Response Code

Response Code Description
00 Approved
001 123 Approved
01 Refer to Card Issuer
02 Refer to Issuer's Special Conditions
03 Invalid Merchant ID
04 Pick Up Card
05 Do Not Honour
06 Error
07 Pick Up Card, Special Conditions
08 Honour with ID
09 Request in Progress
10 Partial Amount Approved
11 Approved VIP
12 Invalid Transaction
13 Invalid Amount
14 Invalid Card Number
15 No Sun Issuer
16 Approved, Update Track 3
17 Customer Cancellation
18 Customer Dispute
19 Re-enter Transaction
20 Invalid Response
21 No Action Taken
22 Suspected Malfunction
23 Unacceptable Transaction Fee
24 File Update not Supported by Receiver
25 Unable to Locate Record on File
26 Duplicate File Update Record
27 File Update Field Edit Error
28 File Update File Locked Out
29 File Update not Successful
30 Format Error
31 Bank not Supported by Switch
32 Completed Partially for normal request
Completed tokenization without authorization for Tokenize Without Authorization (TWA) request
33 Expired Card - Pick Up
34 Suspected Fraud - Pick Up
35 Contact Acquirer - Pick Up
36 Restricted Card - Pick Up
37 Call Acquirer Security - Pick Up
38 Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
39 No Credit Account
40 Requested Function not Supported
41 Lost Card - Pick Up
42 No Universal Amount
43 Stolen Card - Pick Up
44 No Investment Account
45 Settlement Success
46 Settlement Fail
47 Cancel Success
48 Cancel Fail
49 No Transaction Reference Number
50 Host Down
51 Insufficient Funds
52 No Cheque Account
53 No Savings Account
54 Expired Card
55 Incorrect PIN
56 No Card Record
57 Trans. not Permitted to Cardholder
58 Payment only can request with secure connection TLS 1.2
59 Suspected Fraud
60 Card Acceptor Contact Acquirer
61 Exceeds Withdrawal Amount Limits
62 Restricted Card
63 Security Violation
64 Original Amount Incorrect
65 Exceeds Withdrawal Frequency Limit
66 Card Acceptor Call Acquirer Security
67 Hard Capture - Pick Up Card at ATM
68 Response Received Too Late
69 Reserved
70 Settle amount cannot more than authorized amount
71 Inquiry Record Not Exist
72 Reserved
73 Reserved
74 Reserved
75 Allowable PIN Tries Exceeded
76 Invalid Credit Card Format
77 Invalid Expiry Date Format
78 Invalid Three Digits Format
79 Reserved
80 User Cancellation by closing Internet Browser
81 Reserved
82 Reserved
83 Reserved
84 Reserved
85 Reserved
86 ATM Malfunction
87 No Envelope Inserted
88 Unable to Dispense
89 Administration Error
90 Cut-off in Progress
91 Issuer or Switch is Inoperative
92 Financial Institution not Found
93 Trans Cannot be Completed
94 Duplicate Transmission
95 Reconcile Error
96 System Malfunction
97 Reconciliation Totals Reset
98 MAC Error
99 Reserved
301 The transaction is canceled
500 Couldn't connect to server

Payment Request (UI)

Response Code Description
00 Payment Success.
9000 Payment Failed.
9001 Unrecognized version number.
9002 Authentication failed.
9003 The http request must be POST method.
9004 The invalid request.
9005 Missing mandatory fields or parameters.
9006 The string length of the input parameters has exceeded more than it's specified.
9007 Merchant id is not found.
9008 The currency code is invalid or incorrect.
9009 Invalid amount.
9010 Invalid email format.
9011 Invalid url.
9012 The value of invoice no is invalid.
9018 The duplicate order id request.
9019 The current request has inconsistent parameters' value with regard to the previous request with the same order id.
9020 Duplicate payment request. The payment has been processed before.
9021 Transaction reject: The payment is currently in process for this same transaction.
9022 Transaction has expired.
9023 The credit card number can't be blank.
9024 The credit card number is invalid.
9025 The credit card expiry can't be blank.
9026 The credit card expiry date is invalid. Enter a non-expired card.
9027 The credit card expiry date is invalid. Enter a non-expired card.
9028 The credit card verification code (cvc/cvv) can't be blank.
9029 The CVV is invalid. It must be a number.
9030 The credit card holder name can't be blank.
9031 The card holder name can't be more than 50 characters.
9032 The card holder name only accept characters -_,'.A-Za-z&
9033 The issuing bank name can't be blank.
9034 The issuing bank name has unaccepted characters - ~;!@#$%^&*<>{}/:
9035 The issuing bank name can't be more than 50 characters.
9036 The issuing bank country can't be blank.
9037 The selected issuing bank country is invalid.
9038 Invalid merchant configuration.
9039 User 2 Factors (3D) authentication failed.
9040 The request is invalid. The payment_token is invalid.
9041 Invalid Transaction id.
9042 Invalid hash value.
9043 Payment authorization failed.
9044 Invalid order id.
9050 MPI server unable to check.
9051 MPI server host error.
9052 The duplicate payment authorization request.
9054 Routing Failed.
9055 Session has been expired due to idle over time limit.
9056 Invalid promotion code value.
9057 Invalid payment option.
9058 Invalid IPP interest type.
9059 Invalid payment expiry.
9060 QuickPay does not exists.
9061 Stored card unique id or masked card number are invalid.
9062 Invalid request 3DS value.
9063 Non-3DS transaction is not allowed.
9064 Invalid next charge date.
9065 Invalid recurring interval.
9066 Invalid recurring count.
9067 Invalid recurring amount.
9068 Invalid recurring accumulate amount.
9069 Invalid recurring flag.
9070 Invalid recurring accumulate flag.
9071 Invalid recurring order prefix.
9072 Invalid charge on date.
9073 Invalid next recurring charge date.
9074 Invalid Statement Descriptor Value.
9079 Stored card unique id is invalid.
9080 Merchant not allowed for tokenization.
9081 Merchant not allowed for tokenization without authorization.
0034 Fraud system reject.
0035 Payment failed.
0036 Payment is cancelled.
0037 Invalid merchant configuration or merchant is not registered.
0055 MPI reject.
0062 Corporate Bin Block.
0096 Bank Host not available.
0099 Reserved error code.