Recurring Payment Request (Non-UI)

To request recurring payment , you need to init the property like below

- (void)payment
  //set mandatory fields
  paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
  paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"123456789";
  paymentSDK.desc = @"product item 1";
  paymentSDK.amount = 20.00;
  paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"764";
  paymentSDK.pan = @"5105105105105100";
  paymentSDK.cardExpireMonth = 12;
  paymentSDK.cardExpireYear = 2019;
  paymentSDK.cardHolderName = @"Mr. John";
  paymentSDK.panCountry = @"TH";
  paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
  paymentSDK.paymentUI = NO;

  //mandatory only if recurring is set to true
  paymentSDK.recurring = YES;
  paymentSDK.invoicePrefix = @"pre";
  paymentSDK.recurringInterval = 7; //below 365
  paymentSDK.recurringCount = 3;
  paymentSDK.recurringAmount = 20.00;

  //mandatory only if allowAccumulate is set to true
  paymentSDK.allowAccumulate = YES;
  paymentSDK.maxAccumulateAmt = 100.00;

  //set optional fields
  paymentSDK.securityCode = @"123";

  [paymentSDK requestWithTarget:self onResponse:^(NSDictionary *response)

      if([response[@"respCode"] isEqualToString:@"00"])
         message = @"Payment Success";
      else {
         message = response[@"failReason"];

      NSLog(@"Payment status: %@",message);

  } onFail:^(NSError *error) {
      if(error) {
      else {
        NSLog(@"Cancel The Payment From OTP");
func payment() {

  //set mandatory fields
  paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
  paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "123456789"
  paymentSDK.desc = "product item 1"
  paymentSDK.amount = 20.00
  paymentSDK.currencyCode = "764"
  paymentSDK.pan = "5105105105105100"
  paymentSDK.cardExpireMonth = 12
  paymentSDK.cardExpireYear = 2019
  paymentSDK.cardHolderName = "Mr. John"
  paymentSDK.panCountry = "TH"
  paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
  paymentSDK.paymentUI = false

  //mandatory only if recurring is set to true
  paymentSDK.recurring = true
  paymentSDK.invoicePrefix = "pre"
  paymentSDK.recurringInterval = 7 //below 365
  paymentSDK.recurringCount = 3
  paymentSDK.recurringAmount = 20.00

  //mandatory only if allowAccumulate is set to true
  paymentSDK.allowAccumulate = true
  paymentSDK.maxAccumulateAmt = 100.00

  //set optional fields
  paymentSDK.securityCode = "123"

  paymentSDK.request(withTarget: self, onResponse: { (response) in
      print("response: \(String(describing: response))")
  }) { (error) in
      if error != nil {
          print("error: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))")
          print("user cancel payment")

Check the full Payment Request example and response at Response Dictionary.

Next :: Installment Payment Request (Non-UI)