UI Request Properties

The following are My2c2pSDK field's summary along with the complete example of the payment request with UI.

Payment Request

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number Recommend 12 numeric number
desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed:!@#$%^&*()<>.
amt => amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point. eg: 20 = 20.00 .
amt is deprecated. Please use amount.
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code.
eg: 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
cardholderName => cardHolderName String N Card Holder Name cardholderName is deprecated. Please use cardHolderName.
cardholderEmail => cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
enableStoreCard boolean N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to YES, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to NO if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"1234567890";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"production item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"840";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;

    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = @"Mr. John";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"john@email.com";
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = YES; // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = @"ref1";
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = @"ref2";
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = @"ref3";
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = @"ref4";
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = @"ref5";
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "1234567890"
    paymentSDK.desc = "production item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "840"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = "Mr. John"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "johnemail@2c2p.com"
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = true // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = "ref1"
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = "ref2"
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = "ref3"
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = "ref4"
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = "ref5"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"

Payment Request with Stored-card

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number Recommend 12 numeric number
desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed:!@#$%^&*()<>.
amt => amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point. eg: 20 = 20.00 .
amt is deprecated. Please use amount.
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code.
eg: 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
storeCardUniqueID String Y storeCardUniqueID -
cardholderEmail => cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
enableStoreCard boolean N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to YES, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to NO if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
useStoredCardOnly BOOL N Forced user to use the card passed by merchant with storedCardUniqueID. Defaulted to false if it is not set.
false Card holder may change card (default);
true Force card holder to use the passed token.
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"production item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"702";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;  

    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"john@email.com";
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = YES; // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = @"ref1";
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = @"ref2";
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = @"ref3";
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = @"ref4";
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = @"ref5"; 
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.desc = "production item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "702"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "johnemail@2c2p.com"
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = true // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = "ref1"
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = "ref2"
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = "ref3"
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = "ref4"
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = "ref5"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"

Payment Request With Recurring

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number Recommend 12 numeric number
desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed:!@#$%^&*()<>.
amt => amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point. eg: 20 = 20.00 .
amt is deprecated. Please use amount.
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code.
eg: 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
cardholderName => cardHolderName String N Card Holder Name cardholderName is deprecated. Please use cardHolderName.
cardholderEmail => cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
enableStoreCard boolean N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to YES, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to NO if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
recurring BOOL Y Command to do recurring payment If recurring value is YES , payment wil process the recurring. Recurring will save card information data for recurring.
invoicePrefix String Y Invoice number prefix Invoice Prefix will be used to generate invoice no of recurring payment. System will generate with invoice prefix followed by serial no in 5 digits format (e.g 123456789012345000 01).
recurringAmount Double Y Recurring Amount The amount charged in recurring payment. If this value is not set, payment amount will be used for recurring payment.
The amount should be decimal point.
e.g: 20 = 20.00
allowAccumulate BOOL N Allow accumulation if authorization failed or not The value will determine to allow accumulation in next recurring cycle or not.
maxAccumulateAmt Double N Limit for the accumulate amount before terminate If the current accumulate amount exceed the limitation, the recurring cycle will be terminated. The amount should be decimal point.
eg: 20 = 20.00
recurringCount Int Y Recurring total count allowed Repeat this payment x times. Value 0 for endless loop until terminated manually.
recurringInterval Int Y Recurring interval in days Charge card every x days. Max value 365 (1 year).
chargeNextDate String N The next date of recurring payment Date in 'DDMMYYYY' format.
If it is not set, the value will be current date + recurring Interval.

if recurring payment is with chargeOnDate then chargeNextDate is optional.

if chargeNextDate is not set, chargeOnDate Date and Month will be used.
storeCardUniqueID String N Unique ID of store card info. -
tokenizeWithoutAuthorization BOOL N To only tokenize card without authorization true - Perform tokenization.
false - Perform normal authorization.
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.
chargeOnDate String N To charge recurring payment on specific date every month. Date in 'ddMM' format.

The MM is only used if chargeNextDate is not set. otherwise the dd will be used for every month.

Only required if recurring is enabled and recurringInterval is not used.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"1234567890";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"production item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"840";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES; 

    //mandatory only if recurring is set to true
    paymentSDK.recurring = YES;
    paymentSDK.invoicePrefix = @"pre";
    paymentSDK.recurringInterval = 7; //below 365
    paymentSDK.recurringCount = 3;
    paymentSDK.recurringAmount = 20.00;

    //mandatory only if allowAccumulate is set to true
    paymentSDK.allowAccumulate = YES;
    paymentSDK.maxAccumulateAmt = 100.00;

    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = @"John";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"john@email.com";
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = YES; // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = @"ref1";
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = @"ref2";
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = @"ref3";
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = @"ref4";
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = @"ref5"; 
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";
    paymentSDK.chargeNextDate = @"17102014"; //DDMMYYYY
    paymentSDK.chargeOnDate = @"1710"; //DDMM
    paymentSDK.promotion = @"promo";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "1234567890"
    paymentSDK.desc = "production item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "840"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    //mandatory only if recurring is set to true
    paymentSDK.recurring = true
    paymentSDK.invoicePrefix = "pre"
    paymentSDK.recurringInterval = 7 //below 365
    paymentSDK.recurringCount = 3
    paymentSDK.recurringAmount = 20.00

    //mandatory only if allowAccumulate is set to true
    paymentSDK.allowAccumulate = true
    paymentSDK.maxAccumulateAmt = 100.00

    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = "John"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "johnemail@2c2p.com"
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = true // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = "ref1"
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = "ref2"
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = "ref3"
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = "ref4"
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = "ref5"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"
    paymentSDK.chargeNextDate = "17102014" //DDMMYYYY
    paymentSDK.chargeOnDate = "1710" //DDMM
    paymentSDK.promotion = "promo"

Payment Request with IPP

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number Recommend 12 numeric number
desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed:!@#$%^&*()<>.
amt => amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point. eg: 20 = 20.00 .
amt is deprecated. Please use amount.
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code.
eg: 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
cardholderName => cardHolderName String N Card Holder Name cardholderName is deprecated. Please use cardHolderName.
cardholderEmail => cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
enableStoreCard boolean N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to YES, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to NO if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
installmentPeriodFilter String N IPP period filter value for the payment. When IPP plan has registered for 2,3,4,5 months. if requested value with 3,4, only 3,4 months options will be shown on UI payment.

Only accept format d,d,d...,d eg : 3 or 3,4.
storeCardUniqueID String N Unique ID of store card info. -
promotion String N Promotion Code Promotion Code if merchant wants to perform promotion payment.
(e.g Promotion Code V001 is for Visa Card holder, payment gateway will accept only Visa Card for this payment.)
Merhant can set promotion by Card Type OR BIN
productCode String N Product Code for the payment. -
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"product item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 20.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"840";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;

    //optionals - ipp
    paymentSDK.installmentPeriodFilter = @"3,6";
    paymentSDK.promotion = @"Happy1";
    paymentSDK.productCode = @"ProductA";

    //set optional fields
    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"john@email.com";
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = YES; // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = @"ref1";
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = @"ref2";
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = @"ref3";
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = @"ref4";
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = @"ref5"; 
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.desc = "product item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 20.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "840"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    //optionals - ipp
    paymentSDK.installmentPeriodFilter = "3,6"
    paymentSDK.promotion = "Happy1"
    paymentSDK.productCode = "ProductA"

    //set optional fields
    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "johnemail@2c2p.com"
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = true // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = "ref1"
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = "ref2"
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = "ref3"
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = "ref4"
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = "ref5"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"

Payment Request With Payment Option

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number. Recommended 12 numeric number.
description => desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed: !@#$%^&\*()<>

(My2C2PSDK v2.8.9 and above, renamed to desc)
amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point.
e.g: 20 = 20.00
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code e.g 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
isProductionMode => productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode.
If the value is true, it is set to Production mode.
if the value is false, it is set to development mode.

Defaulted to false if it is not set

(My2C2PSDK v2.8.9 and above, renamed to productionMode)
cardHolderName String N Cardholder Name -
cardHolderEmail String N Cardholder Email -
isEnableStoreCard => enableStoreCard BOOL N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to true, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to false if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.

(My2C2PSDK v2.8.9 and above, renamed to enableStoreCard)
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
storeCardUniqueID String N Unique ID of store card info. -
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
paymentOption PaymentOption Y payment Option For Payments Options.
Refer to Payment Option
e.g PaymentOptionAll

Note : Must target API version 9.1 and above.
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"product item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 20.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"840";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.paymentOption = PaymentOptionAll;
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;

    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = @"123456789";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = @"Mr. John";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"john@email.com";
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = YES; // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = @"ref1";
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = @"ref2";
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = @"ref3";
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = @"ref4";
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = @"ref5";
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.desc = "product item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 20.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "840"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.paymentOption = PaymentOption.all.rawValue as NSString
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    paymentSDK.storeCardUniqueID = "123456789"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = "Mr. John"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "johnemail@2c2p.com"
    paymentSDK.enableStoreCard = true // show store card option
    paymentSDK.userDefined1 = "ref1"
    paymentSDK.userDefined2 = "ref2"
    paymentSDK.userDefined3 = "ref3"
    paymentSDK.userDefined4 = "ref4"
    paymentSDK.userDefined5 = "ref5"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"

Payment Request With Tokenize Without Authorization

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
cardHolderName String N Card Holder Name cardholderName is deprecated. Please use cardHolderName.
cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
tokenizeWithoutAuthorization BOOL Y To only tokenize card without authorization YES - Perform tokenization.
NO - Perform normal authorization.
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.tokenizeWithoutAuthorization = YES;
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;

    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = @"Mr. John";
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = @"user@domain.com";
    paymentSDK.request3DS = @"Y";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.tokenizeWithoutAuthorization = true
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    paymentSDK.cardHolderName = "Mr. John"
    paymentSDK.cardHolderEmail = "user@domain.com"
    paymentSDK.request3DS = "Y"

Payment Request With Apple Pay

Field Data Type Mandatory Description Remarks
merchantID String Y Merchant ID -
uniqueTransactionCode String Y Transaction unique invoice number Recommend 12 numeric number
desc String Y Product Description The following symbols are not allowed:!@#$%^&*()<>.
amt => amount double Y Payment amount The amount should be decimal point. eg: 20 = 20.00 .
amt is deprecated. Please use amount.
currencyCode String Y Standard ISO4217 currency codes Refer to Currency Code.
eg: 764
displayPaymentPage => paymentUI BOOL Y Payment UI flag A flag to determine whether the SDK should display payment UI or not. Set to NO for Non-UI payment.
Default is NO.
displayPaymentPage is deprecated. Please use paymentUI.
secretKey String Y secret key Provided by 2c2p system.
cardholderName => cardHolderName String N Card Holder Name cardholderName is deprecated. Please use cardHolderName.
cardholderEmail => cardHolderEmail String N Card Holder Email cardholderEmail is deprecated. Please use cardHolderEmail.
enableStoreCard boolean N Enable store card's flag A boolean value to determine whether to enable the save store card option or not.
If set to YES, the payment form will display the option to save the store card.
Defaulted to NO if it is not set.
If storeCardUniqueID is not empty, this value will be ignored.
userDefined1 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined2 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined3 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined4 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
userDefined5 String N Merchant Defined information. 2c2p system will response back to merchant whatever information include in request message of this field
productionMode BOOL N Production/development flag A flag to determine whether the url being used is in production mode or development mode. If the value is YES, it is set to Production mode. if the value is NO, it is set to development mode.
Default is NO.
request3DS String N Only accept Y , N , F . Y is using 3DS if it's available. N is not using 3DS. F is FORCE 3DS. Default is Y
subMerchantID String N Sub merchant ID -
subMerchantList NSArray/[SubMerchant] N Sub Merchants of Master Merchant Mandatory for Merchant ID is Master Merchant type. Require version 9.4 or later.
appleMerchantIdentifier String Y Apple MerchantIdentifier Generate from Apple developer portal.

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = @"JT01";
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = @"1234567890";
    paymentSDK.desc = @"production item 1";
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00;
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = @"840";
    paymentSDK.secretKey = @"123456";
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = YES;

    //mandatory for ApplePay
    paymentSDK.appleMerchantIdentifier = @"merchant.com.ccpp.pgw.web.applepay.sandbox";

    //set mandatory fields
    paymentSDK.merchantID = "JT01"
    paymentSDK.uniqueTransactionCode = "1234567890"
    paymentSDK.desc = "production item 1"
    paymentSDK.amount = 10.00
    paymentSDK.currencyCode = "840"
    paymentSDK.secretKey = "123456"
    paymentSDK.paymentUI = true

    //mandatory for ApplePay
    paymentSDK.appleMerchantIdentifier = "merchant.com.ccpp.pgw.web.applepay.sandbox"