00 |
Payment Success. |
9000 |
Payment Failed. |
9001 |
Unrecognized version number. |
9002 |
Authentication failed. |
9003 |
The http request must be POST method. |
9004 |
The invalid request. |
9005 |
Missing mandatory fields or parameters. |
9006 |
The string length of the input parameters has exceeded more than it's specified. |
9007 |
Merchant id is not found. |
9008 |
The currency code is invalid or incorrect. |
9009 |
Invalid amount. |
9010 |
Invalid email format. |
9011 |
Invalid url. |
9012 |
The value of invoice no is invalid. |
9018 |
The duplicate order id request. |
9019 |
The current request has inconsistent parameters' value with regard to the previous request with the same order id. |
9020 |
Duplicate payment request. The payment has been processed before. |
9021 |
Transaction reject: The payment is currently in process for this same transaction. |
9022 |
Transaction has expired. |
9023 |
The credit card number can't be blank. |
9024 |
The credit card number is invalid. |
9025 |
The credit card expiry can't be blank. |
9026 |
The credit card expiry date is invalid. Enter a non-expired card. |
9027 |
The credit card expiry date is invalid. Enter a non-expired card. |
9028 |
The credit card verification code (cvc/cvv) can't be blank. |
9029 |
The CVV is invalid. It must be a number. |
9030 |
The credit card holder name can't be blank. |
9031 |
The card holder name can't be more than 50 characters. |
9032 |
The card holder name only accept characters -_,'.A-Za-z& |
9033 |
The issuing bank name can't be blank. |
9034 |
The issuing bank name has unaccepted characters - ~;!@#$%^&*<>{}/: |
9035 |
The issuing bank name can't be more than 50 characters. |
9036 |
The issuing bank country can't be blank. |
9037 |
The selected issuing bank country is invalid. |
9038 |
Invalid merchant configuration. |
9039 |
User 2 Factors (3D) authentication failed. |
9040 |
The request is invalid. The payment_token is invalid. |
9041 |
Invalid Transaction id. |
9042 |
Invalid hash value. |
9043 |
Payment authorization failed. |
9044 |
Invalid order id. |
9050 |
MPI server unable to check. |
9051 |
MPI server host error. |
9052 |
The duplicate payment authorization request. |
9054 |
Routing Failed. |
9055 |
Session has been expired due to idle over time limit. |
9056 |
Invalid promotion code value. |
9057 |
Invalid payment option. |
9058 |
Invalid IPP interest type. |
9059 |
Invalid payment expiry. |
9060 |
QuickPay does not exists. |
9061 |
Stored card unique id or masked card number are invalid. |
9062 |
Invalid request 3DS value. |
9063 |
Non-3DS transaction is not allowed. |
9064 |
Invalid next charge date. |
9065 |
Invalid recurring interval. |
9066 |
Invalid recurring count. |
9067 |
Invalid recurring amount. |
9068 |
Invalid recurring accumulate amount. |
9069 |
Invalid recurring flag. |
9070 |
Invalid recurring accumulate flag. |
9071 |
Invalid recurring order prefix. |
9072 |
Invalid charge on date. |
9073 |
Invalid next recurring charge date. |
9074 |
Invalid Statement Descriptor Value. |
9079 |
Stored card unique id is invalid. |
9080 |
Merchant not allowed for tokenization. |
9081 |
Merchant not allowed for tokenization without authorization. |
0034 |
Fraud system reject. |
0035 |
Payment failed. |
0036 |
Payment is cancelled. |
0037 |
Invalid merchant configuration or merchant is not registered. |
0055 |
MPI reject. |
0062 |
Corporate Bin Block. |
0096 |
Bank Host not available. |
0099 |
Reserved error code. |