
Installment Payment Plan

Allow your customer to pay with Installment Plan!
Download full demo: PHP code / .Net code

Get Installment Payment Plan option list

Installment Payment Plan options could be viewed from my2C2P dashboard under 'IPP Plans'.
screen shot: show

and the xml file can be downloaded from the bottom of the 'IPP Plan' page.

<IPP Version="1.0">
        <BankName>United Overseas Bank</BankName>
            <Option id="1" InstallmentPeriod="3" MerInterestRate="0.40" CusInterestRate="0.50" MinAmount="0.10" CurrencyCode="SGD" ValidFrom="2014-07-01" ValidUntil="2016-12-31" PromotionCode="promoC" />
            <Option id="2" InstallmentPeriod="6" MerInterestRate="0.66" CusInterestRate="0.55" MinAmount="0.10" CurrencyCode="SGD" ValidFrom="2014-07-01" ValidUntil="2019-07-01" PromotionCode="promoC" />

Prepare Installment Payment Plan Payment Request

Set account credentials.

    //Merchant Account Information
    $merchantID = "JT01";        //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
    $secretKey  = "7jYcp4FxFdf0";    //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard

Set transaction information.

    //Transaction Information
    $uniqueTransactionCode = "Invoice".time();
    $desc = "1 room for 2 nights";
    $amt  = "000000000010";        //12 digit format
    $currencyCode = "702";        //Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217

Set cardholder information.

    //Customer Information
    $cardholderName = "John Doe";
    $country = "SG";

Set payment request information.

    //Request Information
    $apiVersion = "9.3";        
    $encryptedCardInfo = $_POST['encryptedCardInfo'];                //Retrieve encrypted credit card data

Set IPP request information.

    //Construct signature string
    $ippTransaction = "Y";        //IPP transaction Y/N
    $installmentPeriod = "3";        //Installment period in Month
    $interestType = "M";        //Interest paid by C/M (C=Customer, M=Merchant)

Set secure hash information.

    //Construct signature string
    $stringToHash = $apiVersion . $timeStamp . $merchantID . $uniqueTransactionCode . $desc . $amt . $currencyCode . $paymentChannel . $storeCardUniqueID . $panBank .
        $country . $cardholderName . $cardholderEmail . $payCategoryID . $userDefined1 . $userDefined2 . $userDefined3 . $userDefined4 . $userDefined5 . $storeCard .
        $ippTransaction . $installmentPeriod . $interestType . $recurring . $invoicePrefix . $recurringAmount . $allowAccumulate . $maxAccumulateAmt . $recurringInterval . 
        $recurringCount . $chargeNextDate . $promotion . $request3DS . $statementDescriptor . $agentCode . $channelCode . $paymentExpiry . $mobileNo . $tokenizeWithoutAuthorization . $encryptedCardInfo;
    $hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false));      //Calculate Hash Value

Construct payment request message.

    //Construct payment request message
    $xml = "<PaymentRequest>
    $payload = base64_encode($xml);        //Convert payload to base64

Submit payment request form.

<!-- POST method to submit the form -->
<form action='https://demo2.2c2p.com/2C2PFrontEnd/SecurePayment/PaymentAuth.aspx' method='POST' name='paymentRequestForm'>
    Processing payment request, Do not close the browser, press back or refresh the page.
    <?php echo "<input type='hidden' name='paymentRequest' value='".$payload."'>"; ?>
<script language="JavaScript">

Complete Code

Copy & Paste below code to 'payment_3d.php' file, and put this file in your Web Server.


    //Merchant Account Information
    $merchantID = "JT01";        //Get MerchantID when opening account with 2C2P
    $secretKey  = "7jYcp4FxFdf0";    //Get SecretKey from 2C2P PGW Dashboard

    //Transaction Information
    $uniqueTransactionCode = "Invoice".time();
    $desc = "1 room for 2 nights";
    $amt  = "000000000010";        //12 digit format
    $currencyCode = "702";        //Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217

    //Cardholder Information
    $cardholderName = "John Doe";
    $country = "SG";

    //Request Information
    $apiVersion = "9.3";        
    $encryptedCardInfo = $_POST['encryptedCardInfo'];                //Retrieve encrypted credit card data

    //IPP Information
    $ippTransaction = "Y";        //IPP transaction Y/N
    $installmentPeriod = "3";        //Installment period in Month
    $interestType = "M";        //Interest paid by C/M (C=Customer, M=Merchant)

        //Construct signature string
    $stringToHash = $apiVersion . $timeStamp . $merchantID . $uniqueTransactionCode . $desc . $amt . $currencyCode . $paymentChannel . $storeCardUniqueID . $panBank .
        $country . $cardholderName . $cardholderEmail . $payCategoryID . $userDefined1 . $userDefined2 . $userDefined3 . $userDefined4 . $userDefined5 . $storeCard .
        $ippTransaction . $installmentPeriod . $interestType . $recurring . $invoicePrefix . $recurringAmount . $allowAccumulate . $maxAccumulateAmt . $recurringInterval . 
        $recurringCount . $chargeNextDate . $promotion . $request3DS . $statementDescriptor . $agentCode . $channelCode . $paymentExpiry . $mobileNo . $tokenizeWithoutAuthorization . $encryptedCardInfo;
    $hash = strtoupper(hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToHash ,$secretKey, false));      //Calculate Hash Value

    //Construct payment request message
    $xml = "<PaymentRequest>
    $payload = base64_encode($xml);    //Convert payload to base64

<!-- POST method to submit the form -->
<form action='https://demo2.2c2p.com/2C2PFrontEnd/SecurePayment/PaymentAuth.aspx' method='POST' name='paymentRequestForm'>
    Processing payment request, Do not close the browser, press back or refresh the page.
    <?php echo "<input type='hidden' name='paymentRequest' value='".$payload."'>"; ?>
<script language="JavaScript">

Full Request elements and data type check here.

Download full demo: PHP code / .Net code